Banished to Another World

Chapter 411: Saving the Grand Witch Xiang

Chapter 411: Saving the Grand Witch Xiang

Meng Er had a very satisfying night, and Miao Xiang found a voice in his mind the next morning.

Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo didn\'t wake up for long, The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu came.

"You come with me to Wucheng- City of Witches Temple."

Yan Mo looked up, "Shifu, what is wrong?"

"All healing priests there, but no one can wake up Dead-Fat-Elephant, and no one knows why he is unconscious. Because you treated Huo Yun Tian yesterday through the sacrifice of God, someone wants you to try it there.”

"But I can\'t move my limbs now..."

"Their exact wish is that you won’t move!" The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu said coldly. "The bastards thought I didn\'t know what they were thinking? It was nothing more than an excuse to wake up Dead-Fat-Elephant and force you to say the method of sacrifice. ""

“Oh?” Yan Mo raised his eyebrows. “What does Shifu mean?”

"Look at what Dead-Fat-Elephant said to protect you, we can\'t let him continue to be so comatose. If you have a way to save him, if not, living in the main shrine is safer than staying here. ”

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu turned to glare at Yuan Zhan. "I know you are very good, but you only are one person. The main shrine is full of Grand Witch Xiang’s guardians, and if Fei Shan and Grand Witch Xiang are there. I can rest assured that you are safe."

Yuan Zhan picked up Yan Mo without saying anything. "What are you waiting for? Let\'s go." Since Mo’s nightmare, he has been a little uneasy, and Mo is nurturing the Fruit of Witchcraft, and now he can\'t move his limbs. If there is a safer place for Yan Mo, why should he not go?

“Shifu, What about the Nine Cities challenge party? Is it going to be delayed?”

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu nodded. "Grand Witch Xiang is unconscious. Before the statement, The Nine Cities challenge party can only be postponed, otherwise the Wucheng- City of Witches status will be greatly shaken, and Wucheng- City of Witches Temple priests don\'t want to see this happen."

"How long is it delayed?"

"That depends on the results of today\'s discussion."

The Chief and the Priest both went to the temple, and the other people of The Jiu Yuan naturally followed up. Lamo Ling went to the Yincheng-Sound City residence and did not return. Yuan Zhan asked Meng Er to send a letter to him, telling him if he were to return, he should go directly to Wucheng-City of Witches’ main temple looking for them.

Miao Xiang became very quiet after a night, and no longer took the initiative to join Yuan Zhan, and even at some point she went on to hide from him and Yan Mo.

Meng Er comforted her and gave her to Huo Yun Tian before leaving.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu didn\'t care if Miao Xiang didn\'t care, so a little girl wasn’t really in priority.

All the way, many people saw The Jiu Yuan people enter the main temple of Wucheng- City of Witches.

There is the temple servant who went with other Jiu Yuan people to arrange accommodation, The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu took Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo straight into the main hall.

In the main hall, in addition to the Wucheng- City of Witches priests, the other eight cities’ high priests all present, plus their guardian warriors, this is also a small gathering of all forces.

Maybe for fairness? When the Jiu Yuan came, and the people of Ding Yue came later, coming to their big witch Zhe Li and the warrior Shu Yi.

The priests and the great witches who can come here are basically the top leaders of the forces. Similarly, the warriors they bring will be one of the best warriors of all forces they have.

Yan Mo swept his eyes to the audience, it was fair, and each of the priests had only one guardian.

The Jiu Yuan and Ding Yu\'s front and rear feet, Wucheng- City of Witches Third Priest Luo Jue saw them and raised his hands to welcome them.

There is no seat in the main hall, and everyone stands, naturally forming a circle, and the close forces stand together.

Grand Witch Xiang\'s huge body is on the highest step, and Fei Shan sat on the steps and looked down.

"Witch Mo, please come up with me to see Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren." After the treatment of Ba-Hee, seeing Yan Mo, Fei Shan immediately stepped forward to signal.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu nodded.

Yuan Zhan took Yan Mo to the steps.

Fei Shan saw the two people and he patted the skin around him. "You come sit here, Little Witch Mo, help me look at Grand Witch Xiang."

Yuan Zhan put Yan Mo on the hide skin and held his back with his hand to let him sit up straight.

Fei Shan grabbed Grand Witch Xiang’s fat arm where no one could see his joints. "Little Witch Mo, what do you want me to do?"

There are two ways for Yan Mo to use the tools to treat him. The first one is the traditional experience, and the second is the spiritual exploration.

While carefully observing the appearance of Grand Witch Xiang, he said: "I want the place to be quiet."

Fei Shan smiled, "Reassured, it will be quiet."

The people who were whispering in the hall were quiet and the whole hall was no longer a murmur.

Yan Mo signaled that Yuan Zhan put his right hand three fingers on the wrist of Grand Witch Xiang, then closed his eyes and released his spirit.

Quadriplegia does not mean that his limbs have no feeling, he is just a fractured person, not to mention his finger bones have no problem with. Despite the softness of the wrist bones cannot affect the point, but to his extent, as long as the pulse is touched, the general judgment can be made based on the feeling of returning from the fingertips.

For a moment, Yan Mo opened his eyes.

Fei Shan immediately asked him: "How?"

Yan Mo did not answer immediately, but asked: "What is the judgment of the other Healing priests?"

Someone came sneer under the steps. "Why ask the other priest\'s judgment, can\'t you see it yourself?"

Yan Mo has ignored the other side.

Wucheng- City of Witches Tenth Priest Yu-Jia got angry.

Ba-Hee standing on the steps took a step and whispered: "We feel that it is the call of the Mother God."

Yan Mo didn\'t understand it first, and then reacted. Ba-Hee means that everyone thinks that Grand Witch Xiang has reached the point of death, it’s not that he is sick or injured, so there is no way to save him.

In fact, the judgment of the public Healing Priest did not go wrong, Yan Mo also saw it, Grand Witch Xiang looked ruddy on the surface, it seems like he just fell asleep, in fact, he has mental exhaustion, and in other words it is a cerebral infarction. Besides, the body of Grand Witch Xiang is also a problem in itself. As for his huge body that is extremely overweight and does not know by much, it is a miracle that he managed to live to the present.

Fei Shan is still waiting for the answer. Yan Mo thought about it and tried to be as simple as possible. “The body of Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren is no longer healthy. His blood vessels have already shrunk and blocked by a lot of fat. The body, including the internal organs are accumulating a lot of fat, and the energy transmission path in the body is mostly blocked. His brain is the best advanced part, and the brain capacity is better than that of the average person, but there are many small tumors inside. He is now unconscious and is likely to have tumor rupture in his brain and that lead to vascular blockage."

Although Yan Mo is already very simple and used his abilities, most of the priests present can only understand few parts.

At this time, the witch doctors are quite good to some extent, but the witch doctors and priests, their understanding of injuries, in addition to having a hard time treating those which are visible, most of them are internal, cannot be seen, when they can It is best to cure the internal. If the drug is not curing the internal injuries, ask God. If you ask God, it will have no effect, then, God wants him to die.

Like brain tumors, blood vessels blocked, fat accumulation... These concepts are too abstract for them, but they are more understandable because it is related to the body energy transmission path being mostly blocked.

“What do you mean by these?” Tucheng-Earth City High Priest Gui-Zheng, who was extremely hateful and envious of Yan Mo, immediately impatiently shouted: “You said that you have a way to wake up Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren!”

Fei Shan and Yuan Zhan both swept their eyes to him at the same time.

Gui-Zheng felt a chill invading his body, and if it is more difficult to hear, he does not dare to spit it out in his mouth. After a while, he was even angrier.

Fei Shan turned to the head and the voice was peaceful to the young boy priest: "Little Witch Mo, you don\'t have to worry, Grand Witch Xiang, everyone here can\'t do it. If you have a way to wake him up, if it doesn\'t work, then that\'s also God\'s will."

Yan Mo was pondering

Such a serious situation like Grand Witch Xiang is not easy to cure in modern times. Even if the operation is successful, it is basically the result will be paralysis or even a vegetative person. If he had just arrived here, he could only choose to use some drugs to soften and clear the blood vessels, but in the end there is no effect, only to depend on the patient\'s luck, this is also the case when the corresponding drug can be found.

With the second lab, he can help Grand Witch Xiang to perform the operation, but the results are not necessarily ideal. Even if Grand Witch Xiang can wake up, he is afraid he will not last long.

But now...

Yan Mo was about to speak, and the other Curse Witch of the Wucheng- City of Witches, Priest Quipa, came up.

“Are you able to save Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren through the sacrifice of the gods?” Quipa asked and said directly.

Yan Mo watched Fei Shan also watching him, forbearing a bit, and looked sideways to answer back: "Maybe."

Quipa command: "Then just start doing it, the situation of Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren cannot be delayed!"

Yan Mo inhaled, like forcing a smile, "Then, Priest Da-Ren, is your eyesight gone bad? Didn\'t you see that I am still in the punishment of God? If I can\'t move my limbs, how do you want me to sacrifice? Then whoever I save, will only follow his own wishes. Whose face is so big to think that way, my Shifu didn’t speak, who do you think you are to jump out and order me?"

Quipa\'s face changed, the mouth of the little priest was too cunning, and he didn\'t care about Wucheng- City of Witches Fifth Priest prestigious position in his eyes. The disciple Yan Mo was as annoying as his Shifu!

Others did not expect this little priest to change from yesterday\'s gentle and honest innocence, and suddenly became a sharp tongued.

"Not is allowed to be rude to Quipa Da-Ren!" Yu-Jia yelled.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu old man cussed directly, "Close your huge beak! What my disciples want to say he can say, whoever is dissatisfied, come fight with me!"

Yu-Jia still has misgivings about The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu. Even if he hugs another cursed witch\'s thigh, it doesn\'t mean he is not afraid of another cursing witch, let alone Wucheng- City of Witches Temple. Everyone knows that Quipa is a little weaker than The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu.

Quipa seeing that Yu-Jia, who is in his own position, is humiliated, and he can\'t turn a blind eye. Then he shot a current counterattack: "Curse-Witch Zhou Wu, Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren has become like this, you know that your disciple has the ability to wake Grand Witch Xiang, how can you not order him to save him immediately. Do you want Grand Witch Xiang to return to the mother god early, do you want sit on the First Priest seat?"

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu smiled: "Let your stinky nonsense lick your face first! Who is eager to get to the position of the First Priest, don\'t ask God, everyone here knows! Besides, my disciple is still in the punishment, he may be capable. There is no way to do it now, what do you run up to force him to settle it?"

Quipa reply was mired in a cold tone, "He didn\'t say, how do we know that under such circumstances, he can\'t sacrifice? Little priest, is it necessary to wait for your punishment to end, can’t you borrow the power of God in like that?"

Yan Mo didn\'t want to ignore him, but he still did.

Yu-Jia\'s face was blushing and her hands are tight.

Fei Shan frowned. He didn\'t want Quipa and others to get involved. If Little Witch Mo had a way to see that he and Grand Witch Xiang had sworn to protect him, he should do his best, but if Quipa and other people are inserting themselves, the result is hard to say.

Fei Shan’s eyes on Quipa were not good.

Quipa felt something was not normal, the shadow under his feet tilted slightly forward. If you don\'t know his attack method, people will not notice this, but Fei Shan knows about it.

Yuan Zhan\'s eyes fell on the shadow of Quipa\'s feet, and the shadow did not move.

"Priest Quipa, please stand there, don\'t go any further!" Fei Shan warned.

Quipa\'s attitude naturally stood still, as if he was not threatened by Fei Shan, but he wanted to stand here.

The people under the steps looked at the steps. Fei Shan was only one person, but his power made the ambitions and greedy dare not act rashly. The Priest Guard, composed of high-level guardians under Fei Shan\'s hand, is one of the reasons for the ambitions and the greedy people to stop.

Quipa suddenly hoped that the danger of Grand Witch Xiang\'s prophecy would come soon, so that he had reason to send all of Fei Shan and his escorts to war. Only when Grand Witch Xiang and Fei Shan and The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu disappeared, and he can truly master the entire Wucheng- City of Witches!

Quipa pressed all the beautiful imaginations of the future and asked the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu: "When will your disciples\' punishment be over?"

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu scoffed: "It depends on the will of God."

Quipa: "What do you mean? If he doesn\'t end the punishment, you will only let Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren continue to stun?"

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu turned his eyes, "Quipa, you said that like except for my disciples, the other priests and the great witches are useless stick figures and can\'t save Grand Witch Xiang."

Quipa admitted that "From yesterday afternoon to the present, all the witches who have the ability to heal or have special methods have been invited. No one has the means to rescue Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren."

Ba-Hee and Cong Sheng and others have no choice but to smile helplessly.

"Other people can\'t, what my apprentice will do?"

"Everyone saw him using his to cure Huo Yun Tian."

“Huo Yun Tian is Huo Yun Tian, ??at least he can still jump and talk at that time. How can Dead-Fat-Elephant be compare to him at the state he is in now?”

"Don\'t you try to try?"

"That\'s not the issue! At least wait until my apprentice is finished!"

Quipa smiled. "When will the disciplinary punishment of your disciples end? If you only look at God\'s will, if God wants him to recover after half a year, we can\'t wait for him for half a year?"

Yan Mo called his Shifu, also laughed and asked Quipa: "Listening to what you mean, there seems to be like you have a way for me to recover? That\'s great, I will thank you here, if you can help me recover, then I can immediately use my power to save Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren."

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu laughed. "It turns out that Quipa has a way for my disciples to recover. Then you said it!"

Quipa stunned, he once again affirmed that this is really annoying teacher-disciple duo!

At this time, the dog\'s leg needs to be played. Priest Yu-Jia jumped out again. "If you can\'t sacrifice the gods in a short time, the situation of Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren can\'t wait, it\'s better to treat Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren. You can teach the method of sacrifice to other priest, this is the fastest!"

Gui-Zheng was also maliciously shouting: "What sacrifices to God, but it is obviously he borrowed the witchcraft from the Fruit of Witchcraft, as long as that the little priest handed the Fruit of Witchcraft to Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren, Grand Witch Xiang Da- Ren may wake up soon."

"Yeah, it is like this all the time, Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren even swore to protect you, you the little priest will still keep the Fruit of Witchcraft?"

The accusations of one after another sounded.

Some people blame, and some people don’t say anything. Like Cong Sheng and others who have a crush on The Jiu Yuan, they are all feeling mockery.

Yan Mo smiled. "It turns out that you want to take the Fruit of Witchcraft? Although I don\'t have this thing at all, you definitely don\'t believe it. Well, in order to save Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren, then it will take everything that I got like fruit was handed over to Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren, hoping he would wake up tomorrow."

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