Banished to Another World

Chapter 392 Wucheng-City of Witches sudden change

Chapter 392 Wucheng-City of Witches sudden change

It is a threat and contempt to bring many people so everyone is allowed to bring only ten people to restrict the new forces from invading a city.

The one who went and if they lost, maybe there was no chance of coming back. But in the face of the power of the Nine Great Cities, there is no difference between you and many people.

Chang-Ge didn\'t expect that the Jiu Yuan ended up with less than ten people. Apart from their chief and priest, they brought only one other blood warrior named Meng and Lamo-Ling, a total of four.

"Lamo-Ling? You and Yincheng-Sound City\'s Lord blood..." Chang-Ge doubts.

Lamo-Ling was wearing a similar priest robes to Yan Mo. He replied in a natural way: "no matter what I used to be, now I am one of the temple priest of the Jiu Yuan temple, and serve together with Priest Da-Ren."

Yan Mo had a convulsion in the corner of his mouth, which he did not deny.

Lamo-Ling is a very talented person. He has helped a lot in the construction of the Jiu Yuan in the past five years. But when he found Wu Chen could work better independently, he immediately shunned all his duties and hid in the temple. He even added a temple servant title to himself, saying that he was born a man of the temple and when he died he will be spirit of the temple. In a word, he lived and breathes on the temple.

As for the other four, The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu could not be counted among the challengers of the Jiu Yuan, he was someone who had come and went freely in Wucheng-City of Witches. The other princess, Miao Xiang, is from Tucheng-Earth City. In her capacity, after being confirmed by the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu, she can actually go to Wucheng-City of Witches. The remaining two are the guards and slaves she brought from Tucheng-Earth City.

On departure, Chang-Ge also specifically asked, "Just four of you?”

Yan Mo smiled. "Yes, just four of us."

"Not even the slaves who serve?”

"No need."

Chang-Ge had a good impression of Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo. He warned them immediately, "If you want to send people along with us, I\'d like to tell you first that no intelligent creature without permission is allowed to approach the Wucheng-City of Witches, and they can\'t follow in."

Yuan Zhan, "You think too much. Our tribe is busy hunting for the winter food to come and do nothing to do in Wucheng- City of Witches."

Yuan Zhan tells the truth, this is the busiest time of the Jiu Yuan. Crop harvesting, autumn hunting, coal production and hoarding are all in short supply. Meng and Lamo-Ling are hard-wired, and according to his and Yan Mo\'s original plans, he doesn\'t want to bring more than one person with them.

Chang-Ge choked, looked at four people who came empty handed, originally he wanted to ask them how come they don’t have even luggage, after seeing The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu, he guessed that these people are likely to have the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu who is likely to have the space objects, now no longer ask, his hand stretched, signaled to everyone on the bone-bird.

Miao Xiang was a little unhappy to see that she was placed behind the Jiu Yuan. She stayed in the Jiu Yuan for two months. She was stunned that she could not find any chance to contact Yuan Zhan alone. The Jiu Yuan people were also wary of her. She went out for a walk and there were many places she was told that she could not go. However, she got some news by her special ability.

Not to mention the news, as one of the most noble Princess Tucheng-Earth City of the Nine Great Cities, these barbarians who could not even go lower city did not respect her, and she could at least console herself that they were barbarians who had not been able to build up their power for several years. But now even Wucheng- City of Witches messenger has put her in the Jiu Yuan group, what is this?

Miao Xiang did not show her dissatisfaction. As she passed Chang-Ge, she smoothed her hair down to her face behind her ears and shyly thanked him.

Chang-Ge took one more look at her, then smelled the fragrance coming from the girl, which made him look at the girl a little softer.

Yan Mo took the first step to the bone-bird. Standing at the entrance, he found that the bone-bird\'s interior space is not much smaller than that of his Giant Firebird, but its outside is much larger than that of his bone-bird.

The bird\'s abdomen was covered with rattan-like carpets and divided into several small areas, which were covered with animal skins, with piers to rely on, and low fixed tables.

In addition, bone bird had a row of holes on both sides of their abdomen, like archery holes, but they are now closed.

There were also two female slaves who had never appeared out of the bone birds. When they saw everyone coming in, they knelt down to greet them, followed Chang-Ge\'s instructions, arranged people to various small areas, and sent water and fruit to them. When they were busy, they knelt down and waited for orders.

Princess Miao Xiang and the Jiu Yuan were separated, but the bone-bird wasn’t so big that they were not far apart.

As soon as Yan Mo sat down, he smelled the fragrance of a girl coming from the side. Miao Xiang nodded to the two men and sneaked at Yuan Zhan with a shy and blushful smile.

Meng Er bumped Yuan Zhan with his elbow and winked at Princess Miao Xiang.

Yuan Zhan slapped him aside. Meng Er sneered and leaned on Lamo-Ling\'s shoulder. Lamo-Ling turned around and said something to him. Meng Er listened and laughed.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu is old enough to lean on the pier to keep his eyes closed.

Yan Mo took back the hand of the bird that touches the bones. The Guide told him that the bird is the skeleton of a bird called the Rapid Bird, which can reach a maximum speed of 400 kilometers per hour in its lifetime, five times faster than the Giant Firebird.

Yuan Zhan did not like the fragrance coming from his side. He simply buried his face in Priest Da-Ren\'s hair.

"What are you doing?” Yan Mo felt the weight on his head and tried to push him away.

Yuan Zhan grabbed him, pulled his hair from his lips, and laughed, "It smell like me."

"Nonsense! And don\'t pull my hair! What? Do you think you\'re Jiu Feng?” Yan Mo photographed him.

Yuan Zhan will not think of himself as Jiu Feng, a human face bird, but not a real person. He can sleep Mo, can that fat bird do that?

Yan Mo is a little worried about Jiu Feng, this is the third time Jiu Feng has entered the so-called hibernation period, but unlike the previous two, this evolution seems particularly long.

Before leaving, he also visited the cliff nest once, where there was no movement, but his extended soul told him that Jiu Feng was still alive.

After a while, another advanced level temple servant, Lu Se, returned with two Wucheng-City of Witches warriors and shook his head at Chang-Ge.

With another invitation, he extended the first High Priest Grand Witch Xiang invitation from Wucheng-City of Witches, and the Mer-people and dwarf events near the Jiu Yuan were brought to Wucheng-City of Witches, and Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren had told him before he came that if he found the Mer-people powerful, he should invite Mer-people. The Mer-people were not interested in attending the Nine Cities party even as guests to Wucheng-City of Witches. He was refused even to see the other patriarch.

Dwarfs are not strong enough and had to be directly ignored.

Lu Se\'s invitation to the Mer-people naturally did pass Yan Mo\'s and Yuan Zhan\'s ears and eyes. Almost as soon as they contacted the Mer-people, they got the news.

Yan Mo doesn\'t think Wucheng-City of Witches’ invitation will succeed because Yu-Wu hasn\'t be seen for more than four years since he got the soul memory from the Water Godblood Stone. Now, in the absence of the high priest, no tribe of any intelligent race is free to do important things that affect the whole tribe or race.

Besides, the Mer-people itself is a bit exclusive to humans, and their ability to get along well with the Jiu Yuan is a big step forward. Let alone a group of the Mer-people, who cannot get away from the water, why would they run to the gathering of thousands of miles away.

After that, all the way things were silent, under the control of Lu Se, the fast bone-bird advanced at the fastest speed, only fell at night to rest, and flew to Wucheng-City of Witches the next day.

Yan Mo immediately felt a dry breath as the fast bone-bird slowed down and was opened by two rows of closed holes and fresh air flowed in.

Everyone stood up, went to the hole and looked out, including The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu.

Lu Se came out and told the crowd, "Soon we will be arriving at Wucheng - City of Witches, but large flying objects are not allowed to fly over Wucheng - City of Witches. We need to land outside the city before entering the city."

When in Rome do as the Romans do, Yan Mo and others have no opinion.

"Wow!” There\'s a lot of sand!" Meng exclaimed in surprise. "I knew there was so much sand here. I should have let Mr. Zheng come and fun."

Zheng\'s ability is to raise sand, so desert and other environments are really suitable for him to play.

Yan Mo covered his eyes with his hands, and there was a strong light coming from the hole. Outside, it was the highest time of the sun. When his eyes adapted and looked down, they suddenly became dumb.

This is a vast desert beyond sight. In addition, he seemed to smell a familiar faint odor.

"Shifu, your old man didn\'t tell us that Wucheng-City of Witches is in the desert."

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu smile was a little complicated, "If I told you everything, what’s there to surprise? Wucheng-City of Witches is to the northeast of the Jiu Yuan and the most edge part of the continent.”

"The most edge? There is a sea here? "Yan Mo knows what the faint smell of the smell he smells, and that is the unique flavor of the ocean.

"You know the sea?” A voice came in, Lu Se. But then he woke up and said, "You know the Mer-people, and it\'s not surprising to know the sea. We call it North Sea here, and there are The Mer-people in the sea, but they never contacted us. "

Lu Se added, "When we fly a little further and you\'ll see the sea."

Sure enough, after a short flight, they saw the magnificent scenery of the desert on one side of the sea.

Occasionally, the desert is dotted with several oases. Lu Se tells us that those are Wucheng-City of Witches affiliates, but they are too small to be called cities.

Yuan Zhan and others saw the sea for the first time. They also saw the desert on such a large scale for the first time. They all stood in the hole and looked dazed.

Princess Miao Xiang and others are no exception. Although they were born in Tucheng-Earth City, Tucheng-Earth City is located in the hinterland of the mainland. They have never been to Wucheng-City of Witches before. They are all the first time to see the vast sea in legend.

Yuan Zhan held Yan Mo\'s hand and looked down. His eyes are full of glory. "I remember, you once wanted to take us to look for the sea. You said there was a lot of food and salt in the sea."

"I remember." Yan Mo laughed and was remembering everything that happened in the Yuan Ji Tribe.

Yuan Zhan turned to look at Yan Mo\'s smiling face and felt a lot at ease.

Yan Mo rubbed his face over and showed him the following, "See Wucheng - City of Witches."

Wucheng-City of Witches covered a wide area, located on a huge oasis.

Looking from the sky, Wucheng-City of Witches is extremely beautiful. The milky white building is built in the center of the oasis, while the other buildings around it are mostly black. Between black and white, there are countless green flowers, and there are luminous rivers in the oasis. On one side of the milky white building, there are six waterfalls of no small magnitude and height.

Wucheng-City of Witches has no walls and is surrounded by lush tropical rainforest-like plants.

These are not Wucheng-City of Witches’ most strange places. Wucheng-City of Witches\' most peculiar thing is that there are four equally large oases around this large oasis, which looks like a flower from the sky.

"There are four intelligent races living in those four oases. They do not belong to The Nine Great Cities, but they are very close to each other and are dependent on Wucheng- City of Witches. This is one of the reasons why Wucheng- City of is overriding the other eight cities." The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu opens.

"Is one of them Bai Xi City?” Yan Mo thought of the former Bai Li of the Jiu Yuan, he said that his priest came to him and ask him to talk to Bai Xi City\'s high priest when he gets there.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu nodded. "Although the four oasis forces do not belong to the Nine Cities, Wucheng-City of Witches and they do not recognize each other as being interdependent, the city forces are still used to seeing them as the middle cities under Wucheng-City of Witches."

Yan Mo wants to ask what other intelligent creatures are the three oases in addition to Bai Xi City. Let\'s listen to Lu Se to remind everyone: "we are going to land, and please stand still."

the Rapid Bird descent very slowly and smoothly.

Yan Mo has been looking down. It seems that many people have stood on the edge of the open space of the apron. Looking at the faces and faces of these people, are most of them are warriors?

Is this the processions to meet them? Does the group look big because the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu is there?

There seems to be something wrong with Yan Mo\'s heart suddenly accelerating.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu also frowned and muttered, "Strange, why are other people coming to town to greet you?”

Yuan Zhan suddenly pressed Yan Mo\'s shoulder, leaned over and whispered quickly, "Can you grab control of the bone-bird?”

Yan Mo was in a tight mood. "I\'ll try."

It\'s too late to arrange and the bone-birds will land.

Yuan Zhan whispered to Meng Er and Lamo-Ling, and as soon as he turned, he jumped at the nearest Chang-Ge and shouted, "Do it!"

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